From a phone call to a fish rescue

When you are dealing with a water body the size of London’s Hyde Park, the presence of two or three dead fish may not seem significant, but it can be an important early warning that something is wrong. So when …
When you are dealing with a water body the size of London’s Hyde Park, the presence of two or three dead fish may not seem significant, but it can be an important early warning that something is wrong. So when …
For fish all over the country, summer can be a stressful time of year. The hot, sunny weather we enjoy so much can lead to low flows in rivers, and stillwater fisheries (with ponds and lakes) start to warm …
Here at the National Coarse Fish Rearing Unit near Nottingham, the new spawning season is in full swing where each year we spawn and rear 9 different species of fish. The process starts in March with dace and grayling. This …
The Environment Agency is involved with the Turning Tides partnership, which brings together organisations, local councils and community groups to improve the quality of local bathing waters. Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Rich McIlwain, sets out how this partnership is …
Southend-on-Sea. The name says it all really. Tourists visiting the coast over the summer months to swim in the sea are vital for Southend’s economy and new European standards coming in this year mean that passing water quality tests will …
As we approach summer more people are thinking of visiting the beach. I work in the Data, Mapping, Modelling and Information team at the Environment Agency. Over the last few months I've been preparing our improved website that will present the results …
I have spent many days in all seasons and a variety of weather conditions in the Suffolk seaside town of Southwold. This year I will be spending time there with my granddaughter, who is currently 19 months old. Her love …
In my last blog I told you a bit more about the work I do as a Hydrometry and Telemetry Officer. Now its time to get to the techie bit and a spot of background. River gauging at weir sites …
As regular followers of my Twitter feed (@AlanBarrierEA) might be aware, I have recently become one of the flood forecasters based at the Thames Barrier. I've spent the past couple of months shadowing the existing team of flood forecasters, who …
In my last blog I promised to tell you more about the work we are doing to reduce site visits and therefore reduce carbon emissions. In order to reduce the amount of site visits we have to do we are …