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Creating a better place
Rosie Pyper

Rosie Pyper

Rosie Pyper has worked at the Environment Agency for 10 years. Having completed a degree in Ecology, Conservation and Animal Behaviour she worked for a few years in research before starting work at the Environment Agency where she organised the collection of our water quality data. This forms the basis of the evidence we use to protect and enhance the water environment.

She then realised her passion lay in improving the water environment for biodiversity and wildlife and worked for 5 years in an area Fisheries Geomorphology and Biodiversity team gaining huge amounts of knowledge and practical skills and experience, from hands-on fisheries surveys to providing advice and guidance to planning authorities.

A few assignments later, she ended up working as a Catchment Coordinator for the Cuckmere and Pevensey Catchment Partnership working with a variety of internal and external partners to improve water quality.

She then worked on an assignment for the South East Rivers Trust – a career highlight because it involved getting in or near a river on a weekly basis and also resulted in project managing a weir removal project.

She now has a permanent role in the Environment Agency’s national Water, Land and Biodiversity team, ensuring the work we do across all areas is joined up and using best practice to improve the water environment.