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Flood & Coast Excellence Awards 2024: Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration

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This week, the Environment Agency hosted the Flood and Coast Excellence Awards. These celebrate some of the most innovative and impactful flood and coastal erosion risk management projects from across the country writes Caroline Douglass, Environment Agency Executive Director of …

How the project lead for the Isle of Wight coastal defence scheme is actively reducing carbon

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My name is Emily Webster and I am the project lead for two coastal defence schemes in Sandown Bay on the south-eastern coast of the Isle of Wight. These schemes will refurbish over 2km of sea wall and groynes in …

How the Environment Agency is conserving and enhancing biodiversity

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The Environment agency is involved in restoring biodiversity to a number of different coastal and shoreline habitats

Hi, I am Tony Grayling and I’m one of the new Directors of Nature and Place, along with my colleague Jennie Donovan, at the Environment Agency. Today we are celebrating International Day of Biodiversity, and I wanted to share with …

How the Environment Agency monitors and tests bathing water quality

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Many parts of the UK's coastline are used for bathing and leisure.

Today (15 May) marks the start of this year’s bathing water season. Between now and the end of September, millions of people will head to bathing waters to relax and swim.   Following Defra’s recent announcement of 27 new bathing waters, …

Working towards a cleaner Wharfe – a closer look at water quality testing at Ilkley’s bathing water

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The image shows a photograph of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, with a view to the suspension bridge across the river.

In December 2020, a stretch of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, Ilkley, in Yorkshire was designated a bathing water by Defra,the first section of a river in the country to become a bathing water. Yorkshire’s Bathing Waters lead Claire Campbell …

2023 Event Duration Monitoring Data Publication

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Today (Wednesday 27 March) we have published storm overflow (Event Duration Monitoring data) for the 2023 calendar year. Event Duration Monitors record the number and duration of spills from storm overflows. To view mapped data visit Storm Overflow Spill Frequency (  …

Harnessing the hidden power of restored saltmarshes for carbon capture

The EA has done major work in restoring salt marshes

A recent collaboration involving the Environment Agency, the environmental consultancy Jacobs and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is shining a light on the role of restored saltmarshes in storing blue carbon – carbon captured by the oceans and coastal ecosystems. The …

Environment Officer Joseph Holder explains how weekly beach walkovers and inspections are helping to improve Weston-super-Mare’s bathing water quality

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EA are using drones in Weston-Super Mare

  The Environment Agency conducts weekly sampling during the bathing water season, which spans from May to September. Across the UK, there are 424 designated bathing water sites, 49 of these sit within Wessex. Each one of these sites is …

Bathing water classifications and short-term pollution

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4. Environment Agency staff member in the sea taking a sample of the water.

Our blog on 1 February explained how we approach monitoring, sampling and testing of bathing waters and our approach to keeping public informed and warned when there are short term risks of pollution which bathers would rightly want to be …

Porlock Vale Streams Riverlands Project offers nature-based solutions to climate change

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The National Trust, in partnership with the Environment Agency, are continuing work on the Porlock Vale Streams Riverlands (PVSR) Project on Holnicote Estate, West Somerset, and recently completed the River Aller Floodplain Reconnection scheme. The project started in 2018 under …