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The EA-funded farm group bringing people together to improve sustainability

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The Environment Agency (EA) have funded a project to engage and work with farmers in the Upper Roding Catchment. We’ve worked in collaboration with the project lead, environmental charity Thames21, and the Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne (RBI) Catchment Partnership to …

Farming rules for water: The importance of Nutrient Management Planning in farming

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Following last week’s blog about soil testing, we’re now looking at another area where we often find issues during a farm inspection – nutrient management planning. Around 30% of farms we inspected last year weren’t able to provide evidence of …

Working towards a cleaner Wharfe – a closer look at water quality testing at Ilkley’s bathing water

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The image shows a photograph of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, with a view to the suspension bridge across the river.

In December 2020, a stretch of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, Ilkley, in Yorkshire was designated a bathing water by Defra,the first section of a river in the country to become a bathing water. Yorkshire’s Bathing Waters lead Claire Campbell …

The Environment Agency’s role in Biodiversity Net Gain

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The Environment Agency supports Biodiversity Net Gain

Did you know there are more than 242,000km of watercourses in England?   Our rivers, lakes, ponds, estuaries, and wetlands cut across and connect many landscapes, providing natural corridors for wildlife and supporting a wealth of biodiversity. However, our nation’s wildlife …

Environment Agency monitoring of the South West's largest abstractor

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A pontoon at Gothers Pit.

Mark Pilcher, Land and Water team leader in West Cornwall, talks about our demanding work to inspect one of the largest abstractors of water in the south-west.  The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible for regulating water in England - its …

Harnessing the hidden power of restored saltmarshes for carbon capture

The EA has done major work in restoring salt marshes

A recent collaboration involving the Environment Agency, the environmental consultancy Jacobs and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is shining a light on the role of restored saltmarshes in storing blue carbon – carbon captured by the oceans and coastal ecosystems. The …

Porlock Vale Streams Riverlands Project offers nature-based solutions to climate change

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The National Trust, in partnership with the Environment Agency, are continuing work on the Porlock Vale Streams Riverlands (PVSR) Project on Holnicote Estate, West Somerset, and recently completed the River Aller Floodplain Reconnection scheme. The project started in 2018 under …

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science and the Environment Agency's Citizen Science Projects

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Women and girls make a huge contribution to our Citizen Science Projects

Yesterday (Sunday 11 February) marked the ninth annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science – a UN designated celebration of the massive contribution women make to the fields of science and technology. Today, we look at a hugely important …