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The EA-funded farm group bringing people together to improve sustainability

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The Environment Agency (EA) have funded a project to engage and work with farmers in the Upper Roding Catchment. We’ve worked in collaboration with the project lead, environmental charity Thames21, and the Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne (RBI) Catchment Partnership to …

Farming rules for water: The importance of Nutrient Management Planning in farming

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Following last week’s blog about soil testing, we’re now looking at another area where we often find issues during a farm inspection – nutrient management planning. Around 30% of farms we inspected last year weren’t able to provide evidence of …

Farming Rules for Water: The vital role of soil testing

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It's vital that farmers test their soil

Established by Defra in 2018, the Farming Rules for Water (FRfW) were introduced to reduce and prevent diffuse water pollution from agricultural sources. They are applicable to all farmers and land managers across England and work to safeguard water quality …

Working with farmers to protect our future land

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Agriculture is the biggest sector we regulate in terms of individual businesses, with around 100,000 premises covering 70% of the land in England. Every year, the EA works together with farmers to bring the changes and improvements which will protect our future land and resources and secure better compliance with environmental regulations.

Why plastics used on farms is worth talking about

Since Blue Planet II there has been increasing awareness of the amount of plastic we use and it littering our land, rivers and seas but I doubt many people have thought about the plastics that are used on farms being illegally exported to countries all over the world! I certainly hadn’t until I joined the Environment Agency’s (EA) newly established Plastics and Sustainability team in 2018 inspiring positive behaviour change within the agricultural sector.