Water great way to earn a living
Think you have the best job in the world? Think again! A bold claim I know but how many other jobs allow you to spend your days roaming the Great British countryside (many of our sites are very remote), spotting …
Think you have the best job in the world? Think again! A bold claim I know but how many other jobs allow you to spend your days roaming the Great British countryside (many of our sites are very remote), spotting …
It’s now been 100 days since I took on the role of Chairman and that time has flown by. I’ve witnessed the sheer breadth of work the Environment Agency does first hand and have had the pleasure of meeting some …
Here at the Environment Agency we have the job of investing funding for Flood and Coastal Risk Management, working with local councils and water companies amongst others to put measures in place to protect people and property. As the Flood …
It may seem strange that a Fisheries Officer would be attending ‘SOSfest’, a public safety festival! It was filled with stalls manned by the Police, Fire Service, Ambulance and Armed Forces to name a few. My flood resilience colleagues were …
The first glimmer of sun might have appeared in the South West but many on the Somerset Levels are still dealing with the aftermath of flood water devastating their home or business. We ran a flood recovery surgery last week in …
The unrelenting storms of this winter clearly highlighted the scale of damage and disruption that can be wreaked on our coastline by Mother Nature, at her most ferocious. Whilst it wasn't the first time that the Dawlish railway line was severed, (it …
Being a Hydrometry Officer is a funny role - the most interesting and satisfactory parts of the job are trying to measure the extremes of rainfall and water flowing down rivers. Sadly, this usually means that people and environments are …
What I do and why I'm responsible for making improvements to our water environment in Essex. My focus is onpartnership working, making sure we put our resources (both time and money) into broader projects that get the most benefit to …
Over the last three months, flooding has dominated the news agenda. Whether you’re involved in a flooding incident or not, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine what’s happening on the ground. This photo was taken on the afternoon of …