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Respecting the coarse fish close season and why we enforce it

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Kye Jerrom, Senior Advisor for Fisheries Enforcement and Engagement, looks back on a year of Environment Agency fisheries enforcement and shares why the coarse fishing close season is vital in protecting fish stocks.

Spring has sprung and with warming rivers and streams, coarse fish are preparing for the spawning season. On rivers this is the ‘close season’ for angling and takes place from March 15th to June 15th inclusive. This three-month closure is a really important time for fish. Many will be preparing to spawn, are spawning or recovering from spawning - adult fish, emerging eggs and juvenile fish or fry are all vulnerable.  This can be both stressful and exhausting for fish but also a precarious time for eggs that are largely exposed and unprotected. Giving them this time to spawn, undisturbed by anglers, recover - and, in the case of eggs, develop - is a vital helping hand and something our fisheries officers will enforce and protect.

For some anglers, the close season offers a chance to hang up their rods for a short time and for others, it provides an opportunity to mix up their routine and switch to those canal and lake fisheries not covered by the statutory close season. Some may even dust off their trout rod. I am an angler myself and fish a variety of venues across the country.  I’m a traditionalist at heart and really value fishing small rivers and the fenland drains, but I’m not sorry when my river fishing pauses in spring. This gives me a chance to try new venues, like the fantastic canal network and my local country park lakes as well as maintain my kit ready for the new season.

The fisheries service I, and the rest of my colleagues provide, is primarily funded by fishing licence income – that’s income from you buying your fishing licence. Our work not only protects the sport but enhances the wider work we deliver to enhance fisheries and promote fishing. Some of the most valuable work we do links to improving opportunities for fish to spawn which strengthens fish stocks naturally.  Improving spawning habitat (and creating new habitat) and access to it (through the construction of fish passes), and protecting where fish spawn is vital to encouraging strong stocks and better fisheries.

Spawning habitat is so important to protecting fish stocks that the law, under Section 2 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1975, actually protects fish and their eggs at this stage from disturbance and damage, from both angling and other activities. Anyone carrying out work in rivers that disturbs spawning fish, their eggs or their spawning grounds could be committing an offence.

Throughout the close season, myself and other Environment Agency fisheries enforcement officers conduct patrols to enforce it and deter other illegal activities. As part of Operation CLAMPDOWN, we work alongside Angling Trust volunteers who, in the absence of anglers,  support our officers by being our eyes and ears on riverbanks and report incidents to our 24-hour incident hotline 0800 80 70 60.

Ensuring rivers are not fished during the close season is a big priority for our teams but it’s not just the close season where we crack down on illegal fishing to protect our fisheries.

Throughout the year, our teams are out treading the banks of our rivers and still waters, checking rod licences and targeting poaching hotspots. We have specialist skills, training and enforcement powers to allow us to do this and have developed great relationships with partners like the Police, the Angling Trust and angling clubs to help us be more effective.

Since 01st April 2022 we’ve checked 32,955 fishing licences, taking enforcement action against 1692 anglers. 228 offenders were prosecuted in court.  In total £42,455.00 was issued in fines against anglers over the year, the average fine received was £186.21.

While we know and welcome the fact that the vast majority of anglers are law abiding, we will take action when we catch the few people that insist on breaking the law – it is our duty to protect fish stocks.

Our teams will be patrolling again throughout the close season, so please make sure you don’t get caught out. You don’t have to stop fishing entirely and could, like me, use the time as an opportunity to try something new. Trout fishing, for example, is also covered by your coarse and non-migratory trout fishing rod licence. These fisheries still provide a great chance of an excellent catch without breaking any rules.

You can also help us ensure that our fish populations are surviving and thriving at all life stages by spreading the message. If you know anyone that’s just started fishing for the first time, we ask that you not only remind them of the close season dates, but also explain why we enforce it.

By respecting the close season break on coarse rivers, we can all look forward to the glorious June 16th when we can get back on the banks.  I’m looking forward to a special opening day on the River Yare in Norfolk.


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  1. Comment by R Hooton posted on

    Completely archaic practice with little basis in science. Lifting the close season on lakes and canals has shown that the present law is an absolute waste of E.A time and resources. Much benefit would be had having anglers on the bank at this time re. predation poaching pollution etc. It appears that Natural England an organisation not overly friendly to angling have exerted pressure to keep the status quo. Change the law now let riparian owners and relevant angling organisations decide the best way to manage these fisheries.

    • Replies to R Hooton>

      Comment by Michael Hamblett posted on

      Did you actually read the information given here....? Youre no Chris Yeates eh.....🤔

    • Replies to R Hooton>

      Comment by Michael Wild posted on

      What a load of self opinionated claptrap!their is as you know no viable reasoning in keeping a pond open for fishing and fishing on a river other than serving commercial fisheries a means of an state you turn to your still waters to fish,arnt you the lucky one to have that option?you maybe blissfully ignorant that a vast number of anglers dont have that option.i have three rivers within my capability of visiting,its almost impossible to get a bite,let alone a fish!they are the river tame,river goyt and the river mersey in stockport,mostly barren of life despite outdated website reports( including environment reports) saying they support fish.600 blanks in the last five years prove that they are all polluted and virtually dead. You are very fortunate to be able to fish and catch but be aware a great many licence paying anglers are wasting their time fishing,youngsters in my area know angling is a waste of time.

  2. Comment by Andrew Gamble posted on

    Sadly the EA is an organization deluding itself.I have personal experience of them planning a hydro scheme on the River Loxley where because of the water levels an abstraction licence was part of the scheme.For three years the EA have refused to apply the licence leading to a seriously depleted Weir and stream.The Yorkshire Director has said they will not act and has banned any further complaints on the subject.Why pretend to be scientific?What a joke.

  3. Comment by M. Flood posted on

    I think it's time to re-think the so called 'Closed Season'. It was sold to Anglers as a necessity for protecting Salmon stocks, but the species has declined in most rivers in recent years. Some groups blame weirs for slowing the progress of fish upstream. Others claim these obstacles assist stimulation and increase spawning activity. The fact is that sewage is poured into many of our rivers on a frequent basis, and is more likely to be the source of the problem. There is little or no point, I thought, in having a closed season if one then uses the river as a sewer.

    • Replies to M. Flood>

      Comment by Michael Hamblett posted on

      It was not sold to anglers - its an important stop to allow fish and all river ecology to breed and recover. WTF is the matter with you...?

      • Replies to Michael Hamblett>

        Comment by Michael posted on

        What evidence to you have?

      • Replies to Michael Hamblett>

        Comment by Adam ski posted on

        Close season was actually formed for the land owners to have time on their rivers and not have disturbances from peasants, it’s an old old thing but then got changed for spawning fish….funny as most of the carp family spawn after the close season and pike spawn in February.
        It’s a scam basically, just think previously no still waters and just canals…fish still have to spawn in those environments, the rod license goes up every year and my local river ( Suffolk stour ) is in a dismal state, big trees down and blocking several sections, sewage being poured in daily and other pollutants, this river is in a very very bad state, fish stocks aren’t huge, some morons decided to put otters in as well.
        The EA don’t have any enforcement officers along here…never seen one in 45 years of fishing.

  4. Comment by ADRIAN posted on

    Hello, my name is Adrian,, I want to know if I can fish on River Loxley and Rivelin Sheffield, that is, I don't see any information if the rivers are part of fishing clubs.. Thank you

  5. Comment by Geoffrey Anthony posted on

    Close season what a JOKE
    Lakes ok to open 12 months of the year
    Pay for a license for 12months alowed to fish for 9months

  6. Comment by Jon Helyer posted on

    How are canals different from rivers? One near me is connected to a river at both ends ...

  7. Comment by Jon Helyer posted on

    I actually haven't seen an EA officer for 18 years...

  8. Comment by John lechner posted on

    I was fishing and got court on river .I thought it was a canal because it has LOCKS. And a friend had my second rod in his hands so he was detained too. River soar has no sings saying no fishing off season if I would of seen one I would not have fished.The police officer noted this and agreed with me.There needs to be more transparency along the river and the environmental agencies need to clean the river it's polluted with rubbish it's a soar eye for everyone.Good that I buy a rod liecence every year for over 12 years.


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