The first glimmer of sun might have appeared in the South West but many on the Somerset Levels are still dealing with the aftermath of flood water devastating their home or business. We ran a flood recovery surgery last week in …
The sun has been shining and the days are getting longer and warmer. On days like these there is nothing more idyllic than lazing by a meandering river and dipping your toes in the cooling water, or soaking up the …
I am a geomorphologist. Geomorphology is the science of earth surface processes and landform development. It explains the way rivers form, why coastal erosion occurs and where we’re likely to get flooding. There are many parts to my day job …
What I do and why I'm responsible for making improvements to our water environment in Essex. My focus is onpartnership working, making sure we put our resources (both time and money) into broader projects that get the most benefit to …
Due to the size of the Environment Agency we offer assistance to colleagues across the country in times of crisis with staff often travelling miles to help. I'm normally based in Ely, but recently travelled to Somerset to provide 'mutual …