I was one of the many Environment Agency fisheries officers out in force this spring checking fishing rod licences. It’s a necessary part of the job – we don’t like spoiling someone’s day out, but if you go fishing you need a licence - it’s the law!
More importantly, all the money we get from licence sales, £23 million last year, is ploughed back into work that protects and improve fisheries. So buying a licence is a good investment for angling and the environment.
Each year around the start of the season, we carry out several rod licence blitzes, when we try to visit as many rivers, lakes and canals as we can. Each fisheries officer will use their local knowledge to visit the fisheries that some anglers may think are ‘off the beaten track’. As with angling, targeting these ‘backwaters’ can often net us a good ‘catch’.
My patch is Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire. Over the 2 May Bank Holidays alone we visited more than 200 fisheries. Licensed anglers were only too pleased to see us out on the banks, catching those who were intent on cheating others.
We were indeed kept busy: out of the 2445 anglers we checked across the North West, 244 thought they could get away without having a licence!
Across England, we checked 13,000 anglers and 965 were fishing illegally.
If an angler can’t produce a licence or our database shows they don't have one, we will issue them with a ticket, and a court summons usually follows.
Some unlicensed anglers will try to make a quick getaway but they don’t get very far. We work in teams, moving along the bank from opposite directions,to catch up with anyone trying to evade us. Sometimes they try to palm us off with false names and addresses, but we verify identities and car number plates on the Police National Computer.
Anglers go fishing to enjoy themselves, and it is a very enjoyable past time. So surely sitting there looking over your shoulder, wondering whether you’ll asked for your licence spoils it, especially when a licence is only £27 for a year!
Some anglers we met confessed that they had heard we were about and didn’t want to risk it, so had bought a licence, a wise move! You can even buy online so there’s really no excuse to not having one.
We want everyone to go fishing; it’s a great sport and a great way to enjoy the outdoors. Anglers contribute over £23 million to work to protect and improve fisheries, so buying a rod licence isn’t just the law, it’s great for the sport and the environment too!
Buy your rod licence online today here
Visit the Environment Agency website for more information
Comment by Gary Hough posted on
Don't always take wallet with me fish Do they check data at time of stopping ??
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Thank you for getting in touch.
All anglers must carry their rod licence with them when going fishing.
Anyone who does not received their licence, for up to 28 days after purchase, can use:
• a confirmation email
• a receipt
• a note of the licence number
Only official Post Office receipts and email confirmations can be used.
Enforcement Officers will conduct checks to confirm if licences are valid and will issue offence report forms to any anglers that they suspect of committing offences. This requirement is within the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975.
Only Environment Agency bailiffs and police officers have the power to ask anglers to produce your licence. This is stated in section 35 of the Act. Anglers cannot request for another angler to produce their rod licence. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 removed this power.
With regards to privately owned fisheries and angling clubs. Some have their own bailiffs or staff who check that anglers using their waters are allowed to do so. These private bailiffs are able to enforce their fishery or club rules. If the rules specify that anglers must show proof of rod licence before they can fish, the fishery or club is within their rights to refuse entrance to anglers who can't.
We trust you find the above information useful.
Kind regards ^Kathryn
Comment by Barry Stevens posted on
Hi I have not received my license yet and lost my email how do I get a new email to go fishing thank you
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hi Barry - please call 03708 506506 to speak to an advisor. They can confirm your details and send out your licence number confirmation. And order a replacement licence if appropriate - Joz
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Hi Gary, it is a requirement to have you licence with you when you fish. Our enforcement officers do take details of possible offenders and check up once they return to the office. Cheers. ^Eileen
Comment by Dwayne Hards posted on
how can i get a fishing license i`m 12 and i tried but it said i can`t get 1 till i`m 13 but i would like one now what should i do?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - you are unable to obtain a licence until you are 13 Dwayne - It used to be 12 but the law changed a couple of years ago. Our system will not allow under 13's to obtain a licence. Enjoy fishing anyway - Eileen
Comment by Dwayne Hards posted on
ok thank you
Comment by Kyle posted on
If your under 12 you don't need a licence
Comment by cameron wilson posted on
hi how can i check if my rod licence is vailed
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning, the quickest way si to call us on: 03708 506 506 - a few data protection questions will be asked and your licence can be checked. Eileen
Comment by Neil posted on
If a child turns 17 part way through a 1 year licence do they renew when turning 17 or at the end of the current licence period.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning, If an angler has a junior licence at the age of 16 it will remain valid until it expires, even if they turn 17 during this time. ^Eileen
Comment by Neil posted on
Comment by Tony posted on
Why are the prosecutions for those not having a licence not shown on the E.A. web site?
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Hi Tony, you are correct. We don't publish any names of successful prosecutions. Not sure if you are aware but the Angling Trust publishes every month a list of prosecutions? Please see the navigation link: http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?section=1012§ionTitle=Don%92t+Cheat+on+Angling+%2D+Environment+Agency+February+Prosecutions+List Kind regards. ^Eileen
Comment by Ray Wilson posted on
I buy a license under protest!
Why is it we are the only sport that has to pay a tax to the government every time we want to partake in our chosen sport, even when we pay the event owner to use his private facility. The licence fee does not go back to these people so why is it not a requirement only for river fishing. Why also is it that other sports on the river can cause as much damage as they want without a fee. The fishermen foot the bill!
This a very unfair TAX that applies to only one sport.
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Dear Ray
Thank you for your blog regarding the need to pay for a licence .
Other sports/pastimes do indeed pay for the use of Rivers example Boat registrations .
The Rod licence sales are the main source of income for our fisheries work. All of the money we receive through rod licensing goes towards this. We do have to prioritize our work and this has to be approved, as this is a vast area to fund and we have limited funding in these times of austerity.
The main work areas are:
• regulation (rod licence sales, enforcement and disease control)
• fisheries monitoring
• stocking and improvements (such as habitat improvements, fish passes and fisheries development)
• fish rescues
• promotion and advice
Rod licence income is vital for us to continue maintaining fisheries.
You can also visit the link below to view an interesting and detailed video on the subject:
We need our fisherman to continue to purchase their licences and help fund this amazing activity.
There are some places to fish for free please use the link below to the Angling Trust http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?section=36
Kind regards
Comment by Vernon Parker posted on
You failed to respond to the above question : why enforce licences on private fisheries which rercieve no help or benefit from licence fees?
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Hello Mr Parker,
Thank you for your blog. All rod licence income is used to fund work of benefit to anglers, including private fisheries. We protect all fisheries through controlling the spread of fish diseases through movement controls and health checks. We are also available for advice on fisheries management and respond to reports of illegal fishing, fish kills and fish theft. Kind regards. ^Eileen
Comment by Paul farman posted on
£30 a year for a sport u love is not much is it???
Comment by Saul posted on
It should be free if you put the fish back and Used Barbless Hooks ????
Comment by Saul posted on
It should be free if you put the fish back and Used Barbless Hooks ????
Ok what do you think
Comment by mark sedgwick posted on
Just recently I had planned to go fishing but I didn't have a rod licence so my wife said she would sort one out online for me whilst I went I got to the lake and started setting my rods up waiting for her to contact me to let me know everything was okay to fish , whilst I was waiting somebody from the environment agency turned up to check for my licence I explained to him that I was waiting for confirmation and that my wife was in the process or sorting it out he seemed very helpful but said he had to issue me a ticket for planning to fish without a licence because my rods had been set up , I was never planning to fish without a licence I was waiting for a call before I started fishing , I have now received a letter telling me that I am being charged for this and taken to court , I have searched multiple websites and can find nothing that mentions planning to fish as being an offence , I presented the agency officer with the rod licence details before he had left the fishery and I find this a bit hard to stomach if I'm being honest.
Comment by Environment Agency posted on
Please call us on 03708 506506 and explain the situation to the advisor, provide the case reference and the officers name (the case officers name will be on the bottom of the letter received). The advisor will transfer you to the enforcement team who will be able to discuss the particular details of the case.
If there is no name on the letter, any other case officer will be able to help.
Comment by PGHANON posted on
Not good planning then.
If you plan to fish in the future at least once per year, then why not sign up and get you licence on line or at a post office, and pay but direct debit if that suits your circumstances, but don't bleat because you did nothing to get your licence before hand. If you haven't got your licence beforehand don't go fishing. A simple matter of priorities.
Comment by Allan young posted on
I know of two rod licence dodgers, i have spoken to them, all they did was laugh, and thought it great not have a rod licence, they have never nor will they buy a rod licence, and think it is fun, to get away with fishing without a rod licence, i tried to explain why they need a rod licence, but the reply was .... off. People like these need stopping, i would love to pass this imformation on to the enviroment agency
Comment by Thomas champion posted on
Call the police and state code 116/11, it's the police code for poachers and they have to attend !
Comment by Scott telford posted on
How can I get an EA bailiff to come to my local fishing pond in everingham road cantley doncaster to check licenses as I'm sick of people fishing which I know shouldn't be, and they keep taking the fish out to eat. I would like to remain anonymous too.
Comment by daveferguson posted on
Hi, you can report instances of illegal fishing in three ways: 1 - contact our incident communication team on 0800 80 70 60. U can remain anonymous, phone 24 hours a day. 2 - contact the local police on 101 and 3 - Report to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you in advance. Eileen
Comment by Thomas champion posted on
State code 116/11 to police and they have to attend , poachers code!
Comment by Brian posted on
Hi could you give me details on how to become a part time enforcement officer please
Comment by daveferguson posted on
Hi Brian, any job vacancies would be advertised on our recruitment system. Please follow this link to 'Working for EA' https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency/about/recruitment thanks
Comment by Peter Shores posted on
My direct debit has been in place & triggered for over a month now but still no licence has been posted to me from the EA and it's the 11th March! Disgraceful - what's the problem and how do I go fishing safely?
Comment by daveferguson posted on
Hello Peter, Sorry to hear that your licence has not arrived.
We are aware that some direct debit customers won’t have received their new rod licence yet. We are working to resolve this and you will receive your licence before the start of the fishing season on 1 April
If you have any further questions about your licence please call our contact centre on 03708 506506 - lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Comment by Anonna posted on
Thank you for your blog regarding the
need to pay for a licence .
Other sports/pastimes do indeed pay for
the use of Rivers example Boat
registrations .
The Rod licence sales are the main
source of income for our fisheries work.
All of the money we receive through rod
licensing goes towards this. We do have
to prioritize our work and this has to be
approved, as this is a vast area to fund
and we have limited funding in these
times of austerity.
The main work areas are:
• regulation (rod licence sales,
enforcement and disease control)
• fisheries monitoring
• stocking and improvements (such as
habitat improvements, fish passes and
fisheries development)
• fish rescues
• promotion and advice
Rod licence income is vital for us to
continue maintaining fisheries.
You can also visit the link below to view
an interesting and detailed video on the
We need our fisherman to continue to
purchase their licences and help fund this
amazing activity.
There are some places to fish for free
please use the link below to the Angling
Trust http://www.bdvideo24com/watch?
Comment by Anonna posted on
Thank you for your blog regarding the
need to pay for a licence .
Other sports/pastimes do indeed pay for
the use of Rivers example Boat
registrations .
The Rod licence sales are the main
source of income for our fisheries work.
All of the money we receive through rod
licensing goes towards this. We do have
to prioritize our work and this has to be
approved, as this is a vast area to fund
and we have limited funding in these
times of austerity.
The main work areas are:
• regulation (rod licence sales,
enforcement and disease control)
• fisheries monitoring
• stocking and improvements (such as
habitat improvements, fish passes and
fisheries development)
• fish rescues
• promotion and advice
Rod licence income is vital for us to
continue maintaining fisheries.
You can also visit the link below to view
an interesting and detailed video on the
We need our fisherman to continue to
purchase their licences and help fund this
amazing activity.
There are some places to fish for free
please use the link below to the Angling
Trust http://www.bdvideo24com/watch?
Comment by Michael machen posted on
Awaiting license through post office have recipt can I fish
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Please ring us on 03708 506 506 to speak to an advisor so we can check you account and reorder your licence as necessary. Thank you in advance. Eileen
Comment by Jill Hinde posted on
PLEASE come and check for licences along the river Medway in Maidstone (particularly town centre to East Farleigh). Lots of fishermen, and far too much debris left behind. Just been part of a swan rescue, it was entangled in fishing line with a large weight attached.
Comment by Kevin posted on
I live in Bedford for now and I love to fish. I am flabbergasted how people here are allowed to fish the river here ad hoc ( The Great Ouse) and allowed to take their catch home in bags after having kept them in buckets all day. I have lived here 8 years and I have never encountered a bailiff. I duly pay for my license, but Im beginning to that I'm one of the few. What is the EAs advice on when an angler wants to report suspected illegal fishing?
Grateful for a proper reply.
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Good morning, illegal fishing can be reported to our incident line on: 0800 80 70 60. You can remain anonymous and the line is open 24 hours a day everyday of the year. Thank you in advance. Eileen
Comment by frank posted on
still dont need a rod license to fish in scotland, who needs that! perhaps a charitable angle may be better? just saying
Comment by Anon posted on
Do private fisheries as commercial ventures need a licence? If so how can I check that a fishery has a correct licence and are there any rules they need to abide by, especially regarding local the environment.
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hello Anon
Fisheries have to have permissions to bring and take way fish (movement of fish) on their sites. But licence to run a fisheries is not needed from the Environment Agency. Everyone who goes to fish there have to be licensed to do so by us. Regards Margaret
Comment by george posted on
If I have purchased a rod licence and have lost it while fishing and have not bought a replacement yet will I still be able to fish ?
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hi George,
If you have lost your rod licence we can order a replacement for you but there is a fee of £5 to cover the reprinting of the licence.
Please call our customer service team on 03708 506506 and a member of our team will be able to arrange this for you.
Once ordered, the licence will arrive within 15 working days, you can still fish during that time with your licence number and proof of ID, Our team will be able to provide you with the licence number when you call.
Many Thanks
Comment by Steve Bowen posted on
A group of young men have for many weeks now fished one of our club waters without unhooking mat or even a landing net. They are not members and have been asked to leave around 6 times to date. Now they have been night fishing, 3 nights consecutively, they also leave loads of rubbish. How can we put a stop to this, the police do not seem interested.
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hi, we can take reports of illegal fishing or poaching on our incident hotline: 0800 80 70 60. Otherwise the Police would have to be contacted re: theft of fish/trespass. Eileen
Comment by V Bagshaw posted on
Hi. I live in Tenerife and travel through Spain France etc and purchase relevant licences on my journey. I arrive in England and go to buy a full rod licence even though it is for only 2 months fishing. So I thought to save a little money I will buy day licences when required. Problem, the post office can't sell me a rod licence because my home address in Tenerife is obviously not recognised. I have to give the address of a friend. Why do they not have a system for foreign tourists. On the many occasions I have purchased a yearly licence they never arrived and the receipt says it it only valid for a month. My thought is that if I paid for a licence I am fishing irrespective of the months curfew. The EA needs to get its actions together.
Comment by Pieees posted on
Hi. I don't know if anyone asked about it yet but i would like to know. If i have a licence could i take anyone with me for fishing? I mean wife or girfriend on my license or she would need a separate licence
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
A rod licence covers the licence holder only, so if your partner was to go fishing with you, they would require their own licence for them to fish.
Many Thanks
Comment by Pieees posted on
Thank u so much this is the answer i was looking for. Strait. Have a good fishin to everyone.
Comment by James Smith posted on
How long does it take from being issued the bankside paper work for fishing 3 rods whilst only having one rod license to hearing what fine you will have to pay ?
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Good morning, if a prosecution is determined then the paperwork once completed by the bailiff will be sent to the Court. From there a court date is set and the Court paperwork is then sent out to you. Any fines awarded are set by the Court. You can contact us on: 03708 506 506, quote your reference number from your bankside paperwork and we can transfer you through to a member of the fisheries enforcement team. Best wishes. Eileen
Comment by Martin Fuller posted on
Why have so many anglers not received there licences yet,you have had thier money but failed to deliver,so stop talking from the high moral ground and make an apology about your understaffed rubbish distribution system.
& ps save me all that gumf about you don't need you licence to fish just make a note of the code,it just a rubbish excuse for a useless operation.
Comment by Eric posted on
Why has the 2017 license not arrived paid for on the 5 march.
Some anglers need the license to renew club membership for the new season. 1 april when it was supposed to arrive by.
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hi Eric
There has been a delay in anglers receiving their paper licence. This was due to a technical issue that has been resolved. Licences are now in the process of being sent. You can still fish using your confirmation e-mail, text or receipt and some identification.
If you need your licence number please call us on 03708 506506. We can check your details and give you your licence number.
We apologise for and inconvenience caused.
Many Thanks
Comment by SRD posted on
Organised a fishing competition last Feb for a national cancer charity. Has been organised for the last 15 years and has raised a considerable amount for the charity. This year I did not appreciate an EA officer turning up to check all participants licences. I am sure it was a quick way for this person to achieve their checking quota for the week/month but looked as though we had invited this person to check everybody. All 45 anglers showed him their licence. Their is a strong indication that anglers will not support the event next year because of this individual checking everybody. It was the cheapest of cheap shots.
Comment by Sue Kershaw posted on
How is someone new to the hobby supposed to know they need a rod licence when fishing on a private lake that doesn't mention it anywhere or ask if they have one?
I am annoyed that my partner is being taken to court for not having a rod licence when he didn't know he needed one.
Where is it advertised or made known to people?
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hello Sue
People who decide to take up fishing often look up what is needed to begin fishing on our site at Gov.UK
Private lakes should have information available regarding the need for a valid rod licence and check them. We would hope that anyone new to the sport would be informed when purchasing or hiring or borrowing equipment to fish.
Post offices have information and can sell licences and our online link provides lots of useful information at Gov.uk
Also the Angling Times.
Anyone aged 12 or over who wants to fish for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eels in England, Wales or the Border Esk region of Scotland needs a rod licence to fish with a rod and line. A licence is not needed in the River Tweed and its tributaries as it is classed as a Scottish River.
A licence is needed to fish on both public and private waters, and when fishing for these species in river estuaries, inshore fishers and up to six nautical miles at sea.
Anglers must have the permission of the land owner and whoever owns the fishing rights, for the location they want to fish.
There are a number of different rod licences available.
Kind regards
Comment by Sue Kershaw posted on
Thank you Margaret,
I find it hard to believe that anyone would think to look at the Gov.UK website before taking up a new hobby. Private lakes should have signs up to state whats needed & the rules, ours does but there is no mention of a rod licence nor did they ask, there is no mention of it o their website either. Maybe that should be made law before being able to prosecute people.
As for the post office which we no longer have, I have never seen anything regarding a rod licence on view nor do we buy the angling times.
Seems my partner slipped through the net!
He believed that a rod licence was needed for public lakes only & was needed to prevent poaching! He wasn't fishing at the time he was approached by the bailiff yet openly said that he had earlier in the day, he had no idea that he had committed an offence. He was given a caution, bought a day licence using his phone with the help of the bailiff & told that nothing would probably come of it. Upon receipt of a letter stating that you had decided to prosecute him he immediately bought an annual licence even though it wasn't needed for some time. Yesterday he found that he had been taken to court & received a fine of £377, £30 of that was a victim surcharge, who is the victim? It's ridiculous to assume that everyone should know a licence is needed for fishing in private waters, clearly this is quite common as only yesterday he met someone at the lake who also had no idea. Carp fishing is an expensive hobby which my partner takes very seriously, I can assure you that paying £30 for a rod licence is a drop in the ocean and not something he would have avoided had he of known. Whatever happened to 'benefit of the doubt'
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hello Sue
You can call us and ask to speak to the Enforcement Team regarding this matter.
Please have the details of the summons available or when and where this happened.
Customer services are open 0800-1800 Monday to Friday.
Kind regards
Comment by Mark McNaught posted on
Hi, I have a question regarding licences. If I purchase an 8 day salmon and sea trout licence and then want to extend this to a 12 month licence £30 but for course and trout not salmon and seatrout do i get a refund on my 8 day fee of £27 ? ( assuming i pay the £30 annual fee )
Comment by Lewis Mills posted on
I have a license and I am new to fishing. My question is if I am fishing and someone is sitting beside me and watching me fish and they do not help me or participate in catching any fish in any way does this mean that they still need a licence?
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Good Morning, as long as the other person does not touch or hold the rod then there is no requirement for a licence. Another example is if a junior angler receives help from someone then the person assisting needs a rod licence. Eileen
Comment by Mark McNaught posted on
Hi, I have a question regarding licences. If I purchase an 8 day salmon and sea trout licence and then want to extend this to a 12 month licence but for course and trout not salmon and seatrout do i get a refund on my 8 day fee of £27 ? ( assuming i pay the £30 annual fee for a course and trout licence)
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
It's currently possible only to upgrade from a short-term licence to an annual licence of the same type. An annual non-migratory trout and coarse licence would need to be bought separately once the short-term salmon licence has expired.
Comment by Mark Downing posted on
I've lost my license how can I get a replacement please?
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Good Morning, You can purchase a replacement rod licence over the telephone. The replacement fee is £5.00 and can be paid using a valid debit or credit card. The telephone number to call is: 03708 506 506.
Rod licences take 10 working days to be printed and posted out but once you have paid the replacement licence fee our customer service advisor will give you your rod licence number that will allow you to fish again legally. We do recommend that you take some form of identification with you until your rod licence arrives.
If you are unable to use a valid debit or credit card then you can send a letter with your full name, address and date of birth with a cheque made payable to the Environment Agency for £5.00 to:
Rod Licence Team
Environment Agency
Bradmarsh Business Park
S60 1BY
Enjoy fishing
Comment by Terry diggens posted on
I am deaf how do I ring you when I can’t use a phone so how I contact you by phone I bought my rod my license card been over 17 days now is there any email for contact for deaf not by phone many thanks
Comment by kathrynbooth posted on
Hello - email our enquiries team - include your full name, date of birth and address including postcode and we will check your licence and reorder if necessary - enjoy fishing - Eileen - enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
Comment by T K posted on
Might be problem with web site application procedure. I put in date I wanted licence to start, and when I had paid, noticed that it started at midnight of that day. This isn't what I wanted especially as end date seems to indicate that it should have started at 00.01 on the day I wanted.
Comment by Leslie posted on
From the US, but will be visiting Ireland and the UK for 12 days... I'm sure hubby would love to fish... but how? Can't put in our address. How can he fish?? or get a license/permit?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hi Leslie, the Environment Agency regulate coarse fishing in England and Wales. For information on fishing in Ireland, please contact the Irish government:
Or nidirect if you're visiting Northern Ireland:
Yours, Joz
Comment by Keith Garner posted on
Dear Sir,
I am a trustee for some land on Carn Marth, Lanner, Cornwall and on this land there are two small lakes that the locals use for fishing.
While none of the committee are anglers, we are trying to uphold the licensing laws and make sure anglers do leave the area tidy and do not take fish stocks.
Can you please let us know what our legal situation is or what we may need to do.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - Please email us at: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk The Email Team will then log the enquiry and forward to the local fisheries team - Eileen
Comment by Ghost posted on
These comments are interesting it just makes me wonder that as you the Environment Agency keep on saying that you are there to use the funds to upkeep the fisheries and protect from various other things wouldn't that be admitting that you are solely taking on the responsibility to dredge and/or maintain the rivers, canals and lakes that could either breach or flood and ensure that the environment is safe not just for the habitat but the people who use it as well and the nearby people also living in the area i do believe that what the environment Agency is about however if homes are flooded it's you that is soley liable because you are using the money to maintain these areas and admitting for the responsibility to insure the safety of the users so if you dont put in anti flood and breach measures in place you are liable because not only we need water safe drinking water to survive including the inhabitants as well it can also cause a lot of damage not just to the houses but the habitat as well. They can lose their homes just as well as we can lose ours due to water damage either being washed away or getting damp or other forms of water damage. So my advice is that you as the environment Agency should be very careful on what you say and listen to the people who are generally making good valid points and look to improve. I can prove many areas that environment agency are not maintaining the canals is one because that is what was bw is now crt are doing. they are maintaining the canals so argument is here that since the money is not being used on the canals you have no legal authority there if you want legal authority then you need to help crt with its waterways but we all know that wont happen so in my opinion dont start saying it's a legal requirement to have a licence because no person in law can say you are legally obliged to have one it is not a mandatory or compulsory in law example for the idiots you are now legally required to give me a thousand pounds if you do not you will be prosucuted.. one minute I can not do that because no one is legally required or obligated to do that therefore it is bollocks on the other hand if it was an obligation or mandatory and compulsory in law then yes it would then be legal but you can not require anything from anyone it would breach our rights so as an example that is why we have warrants and so on and so forth there is not a crime in not having a licence because it is not legally obliged
Comment by Jane king posted on
You have a valid point ghost
Comment by Paulla posted on
How someone new to this hobby supposed to know they need a rod licence when fishing on a private lake that doesn't mention it anywhere( not on their website or entrance) or ask if they have one?
I am really annoyed that my husband is being taken to court for not having a rod licence when he didn't know he needs one and actually ,when he found out he needs one ,he bought it in the same day using his phone with the help of baillif.
Your system didnt show you he ve paid the licence in that day ( may 2019) , as his licence has been updated into your system in the next day ( monday working day), but he has the email confirmation on the right date and the money out from his account on the day your system shows you his licence.
Now he has to go to the court for something that he did right, but in your system he didnt !
How is that possible ?
Comment by Nic posted on
I'm a single mum to a 6 year old boy, I've just bought a fishing rod from argos. I had no idea I needed a license to take him fishing down the canal. The only thing you would catch down our canal is rubbish! How the hell was I supposed to know we need a license!!!
Comment by Jensen posted on
What happens if I’m using a junior license but I turn 17 before it expires. Just wondering because my 17th birthday is soon and I’ve still got a couple of months left on my 12-month license.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Morning - If an angler has a junior licence at the age of 16 it will remain valid until it expires, even if they turn 17 during this time. Enjoy fishing - Eileen
Comment by Andrew. posted on
I have left my rod licence at work, I have been invited to go fishing but I won't be able to go back to work to collect my licence before going fishing.
Unfortunately I don't have a copy of my licence number, so you keel a database or will I have to buy a 1 day licence.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello Andrew
Please ring our general enquiries team on 03708 506 506. They will be able to quote you your rod licence number and that with some form of ID will cover you to fish.
Regards Amy
Comment by Andrew. posted on
Thank you Amy, I'll do that just - in - case it happens again, to be on the safe side I brought a 1 day licence for today.
Comment by kevin walton posted on
of all the things wrong with this world fishing without a license is not one should call crimestoppers! or indeed involve court time
Comment by David posted on
Hi, my local angling club here in Cornwall got a large grant from yourselves to secure the fishing rights on one of the lakes they run
This is a private club that requires two signatures and an interview so a difficult club to join.
I have had rod licences since the late 70's when they were regional and now have a three rod licence.
So basically I have paid the EA a good amount if money over the years and some of it has been spent on a lake that I cannot fish even on a day ticket this in my opinion is wrong and if the club wants to take the donation they should open the lake up to all EA rod licence holders.
Kind regards David.
Comment by David posted on
Did you know the Fishing Licence fees enabled us to supply and stock 520,819 fish in rivers across England last year? Our Annual Report shows how every angler contributes to this important work.
Otters eat from 15% to 25% of their body weight each day. They can spend up to five hours each day finding the food that they need in order to survive.
Comment by M warwick posted on
How are you going to compensate anglers who have a rod licence but are not allowed to go fishing under the recent government orders,coronavirus.
Are you to refund the money I’ve paid or are you to extend the licence to next season,
Either way you should as I’m forced to not go
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello, we are waiting for a response from national as to a decision re: rod licences. Stay safe - Eileen
Comment by Josh posted on
Hi ive got a junior rod licence when i was 16. Im now 17 and ive still got 3 months on my licence, can i still use it or will i have to get an adult license?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello, you are ok to use your junior licence until it expires: If an angler has a junior licence at the age of 16 it will remain valid until it expires, even if they turn 17 during this time. Enjoy fishing - Eileen
Comment by Sandra Hunt posted on
Hi, I bought a rod licence last week for a family member but I put put the wrong year of birth what do I need to do to get it changed please.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello -= Please call our contact centre: 03708 506 506 - our telephone lines are open 10.00 - 18.00 Eileen
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello -= Please call our contact center: 03708 506 506 - our telephone lines are open 10.00 - 18.00 Eileen
Comment by Wil posted on
If I am expected to carry my license at all times, and you charge £5 for every replacement, wouldn't it be better to produce something more durable, or allow for some other proof such as a photo of the license, or your confirmation email instead?
Fishing does happen in and around water so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it takes a "dip". If that flimsy paper card gets wet it's done.
Comment by Nathan Morgan posted on
Hi I’ve bought a fishing licence but the post office man has missed spelled my surname by a letter does that matter ? Everything else is correct
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Please call our national contact center on: 03708 506 506 - they will be able to rectify this for you - Eileen
Comment by Chris posted on
I have a license but i have lost my wallet do i have to buy a new license or apply for lost one
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - if you call our national customer contact center on: 03708 506 506 - they an order a new licence for you - replacement fee is £5.00 - Eileen
Comment by Ian Couryer posted on
Hi I have just purchased a fishing licence for the first time,but am not sure which number on my post office receipt is my licence number.l have been trying to register online for fish pass but it says my licence number is invalid.
Please help.
Also, is my receipt my licence? Or do I get something else sent to me? Info on this is very scarce which is a poor show.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning - you will receive your licence within 20 working days - your receipt does display your licence number on it and acts of proof of purchases int he interim period of your licence being printed and posted. What type of fish pass are your trying to apply for? Please call our national customer contact center on: 03708 506 506 - they are open 0800 - 18.00 Monday to Friday and they will be able to assist you regarding the fish pass - Eileen
Comment by Neil Wright posted on
How can i get a rod licence without a current address, and no addresses i can use?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - sorry for the delay in response our blog has been down - the rod licence is a legal document and the legislation is passed in parliament - an address is required for it to be posted to and records maintained - Eileen
Comment by Rhys posted on
Hi i have a question, if i purchase a rod license like i am planning to for this year as moving away from sea fishing. Would my girlfriend be able to come with me and use a rod every now and again with me present? Many thanks
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - no, licences are not interchangeable - your girlfriend would need her own licence to fish or risk the potential to be prosecuted and fined. Eileen
Comment by john posted on
The information letter says that I can't leave a rod unattended in or out of the water. Why when it's out of the water ?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning - here is the link to our website and the rules: https://www.gov.uk/freshwater-rod-fishing-rules/tackle-you-can-use it states that sufficient control is requires for all rods - Eileen
Comment by John posted on
Thanks for the reply. Don't understand it though.Never had any out of control rods that weren't in the water. Possibly these rules are made by non anglers.
Comment by John posted on
A rod licence allows me to fish with up to two rods, but can I have any number set up but not in use.
Comment by John posted on
I would like clarification on the number of rods in use.
For example on a 2 rod licence can I have two rods fishing, and another 2 set up, but not in the water ?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning - please see the link for information relating to bylaws on the number and use of rods: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-rod-fishing-byelaws-for-england-freshwater-fishing-with-a-rod-and-line#use-of-rods - Eileen
Comment by John posted on
So on a 2 rod licence I can be fishing with two rods and have any number of other rods set up with hooks, but these additional rods do not have lines in the water.
Yes or No ?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning - please call our customer contact center on: 03708506506 to be transferred to a local fisheries officer in your area to confirm your enquiry. Eileen
Comment by Kevin Pack posted on
lost my 12 month licence, would like to replace asap, phone call to 0370 number never answered. How do i contact someone?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Hello - our national customer contact centre number is: 03708 506 506 monday to friday 08.00 - 18.00 hours ^Eileen
Comment by Jeremy posted on
Hi there - I’ve just been resent my lost licence by text message. It’s a great service and the EA operator couldn’t have been more helpful. However, I just want to check - the text that came through just had a licence number on it, but no printable document. Is this right, and can I just show that text on the bank? Or have I missed something? Thanks!
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
We still issue the hard copies of the licence. When purchasing the licence online the system gives you an option to select to receive a hard copy or a digital licence only. This is a new option which has been introduced this year so has caught out quite a few people when purchasing the licence online.
If you still wish to receive a hard copy of the licence please call our national customer contact centre on: 03708 506 506 the advisor wil ask a few data protection questions - ^Eileen
Comment by Liz posted on
My son was an idiot and forgot to renew his license ( his has one now) how long does he have to wait for the fine? it has been 3 weeks now and still nothing in the post
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning, 15 working days is the charter however, he may have opted for the digital licence. Please get him to call our customer contact centre on 03708 506 506 - choose the rod licence option and the advisor will be a ble to check for him. Eileen
Comment by Phil posted on
Can you please clarify for me what constitutes being in possession of a license. I have purchased a license in March 23 but I have thrown the paper copy away by accident. I still have the email with my license number that I received when I purchased my license. Is this effectively a digital license and therefore sufficient to show a bailiff as proof of possession of a license or do I have to have a paper copy.
Thank you
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good afternoon, your text message/email is enough proof along some form of ID. If you are stopped by a bailiff or Police Officer and you have some form of ID on you then any checks made via our incident team can verify if you have a licence. A paper replacement cost £5.00 and payment can be made with a valid debit or credit card (not American Express) by calling our customer contact centre on 03708 506 506. You can also call this number to request a digital licence which is free of charge. ^Eileen
Comment by Blake Morgan posted on
if im the only one fishing but people are with me do they need a rod lisanse to ?
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good afternoon Blake,
Anyone aged 13 or over who wants to fish for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eels in England, Wales or the Border Esk region of Scotland needs a rod licence to fish with a rod and line. A licence is not needed in the River Tweed and its tributaries as it is classed as a Scottish River.
A licence is needed to fish on both public and private waters, and when fishing for these species in river estuaries, inshore fisheries and up to six nautical miles at sea.
Anglers must have the permission of the land owner and whoever owns the fishing rights, for the location they want to fish.
To report a person you suspect fishing without a licence please call our Incident Line which is open 24 hours a day on 0800 80 70 60
Comment by Kyle Pepper posted on
Recently I was checked by the environmental agency and found out at the side of the lake that my rod licence had previously expired.
I had not been fishing for a while and this was a genuine mistake , I purchased a rod license immediately when the 2 guys from the environmental agency spoke to me but I’ve been given a fine , the 2 guys who were brilliant with me by the way had no idea of the amount the fine would be or how long it would take for me to receive it ,they have told me I may even receive just a warning but also that worst case scenario could be a court hearing.
I had my current (expired) rod license with me but no idea that it had expired I’ve never broken the law before and I would never do this purposely it was a simple mistake.
Will I be given a huge fine for this or just a warning .I’m devastated and don’t want to be labelled as a criminal or seen as to have been breaking the law when this was just an accident and surely one that happens to many anglers all the time.
Please can you respond to me and give me some sort of idea what is to come next so I can prepare if I need to financially.
Kindest regards Kyle.
Comment by eileenroffe posted on
Good morning Kyle,
We are unable to comment on individual cases for data protection. If you have received a letter and want to discuss this further please call our contact centre on 0370 506506 explaining the situation and ask to speak with the Enforcement Once case officer. The case officers name will be at the bottom of the letter.
Thank you
Comment by Curtis posted on
Hi, do i need a rod license if i dont use a hook, i just want to sit by the water and cast a weight to relax.
Many Thanks,
Comment by Faye G posted on
Good Afternoon,
You must have a rod fishing licence for England and Wales if you’re fishing for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eel with a rod and line in:
England (except the River Tweed)
the Border Esk region, including the parts of the river that are in Scotland
This includes if you are fishing on private land, such as angling club waters or private fishing lakes.
If your not fishing as stated above you wouldn't need a licence.