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A day in the life of a Fisheries Enforcement Officer

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My name is John Groves, and I am a Fisheries Enforcement Officer (FEO) for the Environment Agency in East Anglia.

Today I was out on the Norfolk Broads with a fellow Fisheries Enforcement Officer and the Broads Authority checking anglers’ fishing licences.

We started at Wroxham where we found two young anglers enjoying their summer holidays on the riverbank. We stopped to see if they had caught anything and asked their ages. One was 13 which meant he needed a fishing licence, which he had. The junior fishing licence is free for those between 13 and 16 years old. The other angler was 12 so therefore didn’t need a licence but he was keen to order one in a few weeks’ time when he turned 13. It’s lovely to see young anglers and interact with them.

We then met the ranger from the Broads Authority and went out on patrol in his boat.  We often work together on the Norfolk Broads.  Whilst I make sure everyone is fishing legally, they check boaters have the correct licence for their paddleboards and vessels and ask people to slow down if they are going too fast among other things.

We travelled from Wroxham down to Salhouse, keeping our eyes peeled for anglers.  It wasn’t long before we saw an angler, so we approached him on the boat and chatted to him about his catches before checking his licence. He had the correct senior licence and is a regular angler on the broads. It is important to us to build good relationships with the anglers. We continued our journey onto Woodbastwick, where we found two more anglers and were pleased to find they had correct valid licences.

Salhouse Broad was our next stop.  We found three more anglers all with valid licences – two of them were on holiday in Norfolk. It is always nice to see people visiting the Broads from further afield who enjoy fishing.  We moved onto Black Horse Broad but found no anglers before travelling to Horning Broad.  We checked three more anglers who all had valid fishing licences and were pleased to see us out and checking them!

As we had been out patrolling for nearly five hours at this point, we started our return journey back to Wroxham.  We saw another angler who was fishing legally but then the last angler of the day was fishing without a licence, so I issued him with an Offence Report Form (ORF).  While I was completing the details, they purchased a one-day fishing licence (just £7.10) and I added this detail onto the report.  I don’t decide what happens next – this is determined by our Enforcement Once Team and may involve prosecution with a fine up to £2,500.  Fishing without a valid rod licence is a criminal offence and if dealt with by the courts, you’re likely to end up with a criminal record.

Is fishing without a licence worth the risk?  No!  A day licence can be as little as £7.10 (the price increases if you are salmon or sea trout fishing) whilst an annual licence starts at £23.80 for a senior and £35.80 for an adult licence. Again, the price can increase depending on how many rods you have and the type of fishing you want to do. The price for a licence is far cheaper than the fine and prevents you from having a criminal record. Income from fishing licence sales is used to fund vital work to improve and protect our fish and fisheries. Income generated is invested directly back into our angling community, improving fish stocks, boosting opportunities for anglers as well as undertaking fisheries enforcement, habitat improvement and fish rescues when needed.

Rod licence checking isn’t the only element to my job.  The Environment Agency has a 24-hour 7-days a week incident hotline number which members of the public can use to report any illegal fishing to us - the Hotline number 0800 80 70 60. I am on a roster alongside other FEOs, which means I receive, assess and deal with reports of illegal fishing.  This is an important duty as the public uses our hotline to report fish being taken from rivers and fisheries, illegal nets / traps and more.  Some days are busier than others but whatever plans I had before the phone rings are put to one side as these reports often mean there is a danger to the fishes’ life and welfare.

I visit various lakes and fisheries, using intelligence we have gathered or from reports made by members of the public.  Using this intelligence means we can target the locations across East Anglia where anglers are potentially evading the law. I patrol two to four locations a day depending on how many anglers are present and how many licences there are to check.  Recently, I attended a lake and there were 76 anglers, so as you can imagine that took some time to check them all!  I found three fishing without a rod licence and issued each with an Offence Report Form.  Sometimes, an angler will have a valid fishing licence but won’t have it with them, or they panic because they can’t find their digital licence in their emails. This isn’t a problem, because we have a phone app we can use to find a fishing licence as a last resort.  I always advise anglers to have their licence handy before they get on the riverbank, so it’s easy to find if you’re asked for it.

When I’m out doing my job, I wear a stab proof vest and a life jacket if I’m out on a boat.  I also carry handcuffs and a baton.  Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officers have the same powers as a Police Constable for the enforcement of the fisheries legislation, including the power of arrest, but thankfully this isn’t something we have to do too often!

The full details for buying a rod fishing licence can be found here: Buy a rod fishing licence: Buy a rod fishing licence for England and Wales - GOV.UK (

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  1. Comment by Neville George posted on

    The FEO's were around our club fisheries not long ago in Jan/Feb most of them were unfishable due to the weather not really a good time of the year really to check licences when there is nobody there to check, we have one diehard angler that goes out in all weathers but that's it.

    Here's and idea - try coming around in Spring, Summer and Autumn when most of us are out fishing. Not many people are fishing in Winter.

  2. Comment by Anthony Williams posted on

    I live in the midlands and think you guys do Fantastic work some anglers make me angry as we legally licensed anglers sometimes get tarnished with the same brush unfortunately but if they're fishing unlawfully then if they are checked and don't have a valid license they deserve to be prosecuted keep up the good work you do stay safe ps I have a valid license lol.

  3. Comment by Ian Fraser-Mitchell posted on

    Very interesting article you guys really are doing a great job and the cost of a licence is really good value compared to lots of other sport and leisure activities.
    I'm 75 and have been fishing most of my life. I have only been asked once for my licence ...maybe I slipped through the net😂 I always carry mine of course as I'm aware of the good use out to the funds especially with today's roor state of the rivers in some areas. Keep up the good work it is much appreciated.

  4. Comment by Thomas Richard Lambert posted on

    Hi, having just purchased my 2025 season Rod License, I want to suggest that it will be very useful if the Gov/EA website had some way of adding/downloading our digital fishing license to our phone wallet. A recent article by your wardens indicated that some fishermen panic when they cannot find their current license in their emails when challenged at the bank by a bailiff. I tend to take a screenshot/photo of mine but having the license in my mobile phone wallet would be much easier to manage.
    Keep up the great work.
    Thomas R Lambert

    • Replies to Thomas Richard Lambert>

      Comment by Anthony Richard Camplin posted on

      You don't need your actual licence, the bailiffs can check up if you have one on their laptop. This has happened to me, there's no need to panic.

  5. Comment by James Love posted on

    I started fishing about the age of seven and had a fishing licence when they first came in and until I moved to Norfolk had never had to show my licence, which is now a senior licence. It's nice to see and meet the officers and know they have to deal with people who can be difficult to deal with.
    Keep up the good work.

  6. Comment by frank Ledwood posted on

    when are we going to get back to the old stylefishing licenceits much more convenieent than carrying a printed sheet of foolscap, and it fits in the wallet

  7. Comment by David pawson posted on

    John has checked my wife and mine licences 4 times over the last 5years always good really nice chap gives us good piking info when we come down in.the winter hope to see you in early march

  8. Comment by C hris Walpole posted on

    Please explain what a youngster of 13 yrs is to do with a digital fishing license,when they don't own a mobile on which to record same and unable to produce said licence if paper license issued these days.

  9. Comment by mike smith posted on

    I agree completely. bring back a proper card.

  10. Comment by Anthony Richard Camplin posted on

    You do an extremely worthwhile and important job and us anglers much appreciate your efforts. However it really can't be cost effective to have two officers out all day and then, possibly, only catch one person. Surely there's better ways to spend our money.

  11. Comment by W Brannan posted on

    I have been fishing both course and salmon since. I was 6years old I’m now 75 in all this time I have been asked for my license a hand full of times ,I am a regular angler fishing in the north west and the midlands .Why is this do you not have. Sufficient. Officers in these regions this is not just my concern but my fellow anglers.

  12. Comment by Richard posted on

    I agree with the last comment,it was good when you could just keep the credit card sized paper/vinyl licence in your box,holdall etc all season,knowing that should you be asked for it ,it was always with you.
    Although mine is downloaded on my phone,remembering where it is filed is a different matter.
    Would happily pay an extra £1 to have the option of a old style licence

  13. Comment by Martin Kaminski posted on

    I agree with Richard,( 24 Feb ) I would be willing to pay an extra £1 or so for the old style of card.

  14. Comment by Danny posted on

    Bring the card back please.


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