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Creating a better place

Creating a better place 2014 to 2016

Environment Agency Corporate Plan

We are launching our corporate plan ‘Creating a better place 2014 to 2016’ this week. The plan reflects the many changes and challenges we have faced since 2011 when we published our corporate plan for the period 2011 to 2015. …

A whiter smile, a greener environment: cleaning up with China clay

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Fisheries and biodiversity, Greener business, Regulated industry, Waste, Water

When travelling down on holiday to Cornwall many of my friends ask me "What are those white hills we can see near St Austell?" My reply often shocks them when I explain that that those 'hills' are in fact the …

A day in a life of a Fisheries Enforcement Officer

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Fisheries and biodiversity, Water

The Environment Agency is responsible for  overseeing fishing and angling by a system of licensing. Working as a Fisheries Enforcement Officer (FEO) my duties include the enforcement of two important pieces of legislation -  the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act …

The Customer Contact Centre opens its doors for Sport Relief

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National Customer Contact Services get involved in Sport Relief

Ever wondered who is at the other end of your phone call, email or letter when you contact the Environment Agency?  That would be our customer service, registration and incident hotline team, known internally as Contact Centre Services. Our aim every …