Where does your rod licence money go?

I’m often asked “why do I need to buy a rod licence, what do I get for my £27?” Apart from it being the law for anyone fishing for migratory and freshwater fish, the income from rod licence sales funds …
I’m often asked “why do I need to buy a rod licence, what do I get for my £27?” Apart from it being the law for anyone fishing for migratory and freshwater fish, the income from rod licence sales funds …
As a Hydrometry & Telemetry Technical Specialist it’s my job to provide my colleagues and our partner organisations with technical information on surface water, rainfall and groundwater. For the past year or so I’ve been working on the Midlands Fish …
I recently went along to a family fun day at Cob House Fishery in Worcester and it was reel-y good fun! Around 70 children were taught how to fish, as part of 30-minute taster sessions. Many of these youngsters had …
I work in the Fisheries and Biodiversity team where we’re often approached by angling clubs or landowners, who have noticed deterioration in their local stretch of river. As a hydromorphologist I am often called to these locations to identify the …
The first glimmer of sun might have appeared in the South West but many on the Somerset Levels are still dealing with the aftermath of flood water devastating their home or business. We ran a flood recovery surgery last week in …
The unrelenting storms of this winter clearly highlighted the scale of damage and disruption that can be wreaked on our coastline by Mother Nature, at her most ferocious. Whilst it wasn't the first time that the Dawlish railway line was severed, (it …
I am a geomorphologist. Geomorphology is the science of earth surface processes and landform development. It explains the way rivers form, why coastal erosion occurs and where we’re likely to get flooding. There are many parts to my day job …
If you’d told me 35 years ago, after I’d scraped through beer-and-sport-fuelled university with an ecology degree, that I was going to make a living out of conservation, I would not have believed you. But the fact is that there …
What I do and why I'm responsible for making improvements to our water environment in Essex. My focus is onpartnership working, making sure we put our resources (both time and money) into broader projects that get the most benefit to …