The vital role of farmers in protecting the environment

Encouraging your views on our ongoing Challenges and Choices consultation to help protect the water environment.
Pete Fox is Director of Water, Land and Biodiversity at the Environment Agency, responsible for leading on our work on water quality, water quantity, farming, contaminated land, wildlife and fisheries. He has worked for the Environment Agency and its predecessors for over 20 years in a range of roles including climate change, waste regulation, biodiversity and flood risk management.
Encouraging your views on our ongoing Challenges and Choices consultation to help protect the water environment.
Between May 2018 and May 2019 parts of the South East of England received 30% less rain than normal. The last three winters have been exceptionally dry and we have an on-going environmental drought across the region. There is …
As a nation, we have lost touch with water - where it comes from, why it matters and how we all need to take action to protect this most precious resource. Across England we spend about £5 billion a year …
Summer is here. People and families are venturing into parks, countryside and the coastline to enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of our beaches, rivers, streams, lakes and estuaries. Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at the …
The Environment Agency’s work helps to protect and improve the environment. We also manage flood risk and encourage sustainable development. This blog gives an insight into our work. Find out more.