Fisheries and biodiversity
Posts about our work protecting and improving fisheries and biodiversity
The elver fishery is an area of fishery enforcement that not many anglers will ever see, as it happens on tidal waters at night during the months of February – May. Elvers are juvenile eels and they are currently on …
Across England freshwater ecologists from the Environment Agency sample the ecology and freshwater macroinvertebrates that live in our rivers and lakes. Checking the number, variety and type of freshwater macroinvertebrates in surveys is an excellent way of assessing the ecological …
All invasive non-native species have the capacity to disrupt the natural balance enjoyed by the UK native biodiversity. These species can reproduce faster, tolerate a wider spectrum of habitats, predate more voraciously and can carry parasites and diseases that could …
It’s green, reportedly can grow up to 20 cm a day, and can out-compete other plants and wildlife in the river. I’m talking about floating pennywort, an invasive non-native species. Originally from America, it arrived in the UK in the …
As part of invasive species I wanted to uncover the coastline risk of invasive species and the work I do as part of my role to tackle this issue. I was very fortunate to grow up a 10 minute walk …
I am a Naomi Diver and a freshwater ecologist otherwise known as an Environmental Monitoring Officer based in the East Midlands. I love my job! Who knew when I was river dipping as a kid that I would end …
Andy Taylor of the Head Office partnership team recalls the simultaneous feelings of excitement, fear and curiosity that first got him hooked on fishing. Experiences can shape lives – and even careers. For me it was a lucky sweep with …
The new images on our fishing licences, created by renowned artist David Miller, were revealed on 1 March and as usual David has produced some stunning images which really capture the beauty of the fish we love to catch. Here’s …
Maybe surprisingly to some, the world famous rivers Test and Itchen are having a hard time. Designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1996, both rivers are presently classified by Natural England as being in ‘Unfavourable’ condition. …
Dougal Ziegler is an angler and environment officer who deals with pollution and water quality on the River Wye in Herefordshire, which for Dougal is “the greatest river of them all”. For 6 years now I’ve been an Environment Officer, …