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Creating a better place


Posts about our work with the waste industry

Waste crime: help spot it and stop it

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Regulated industry, Waste

Our work collecting and evaluating information about serious and organised environmental crime is vital for stopping waste crime.  We use reports about suspected illegal activity from industry and the public to build intelligence so we that can target our work and …

Below par waste company forfeited £250,000 for using sham exemption

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Regulated industry, Waste
pile of waste

There are two ways of legally running a waste business – with an environmental permit or with an exemption from having one. Unfortunately, some people choose to abuse the system, causing serious damage to the natural environment. It’s our job …

How £4.2M will allow us to get tougher on waste crime

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Regulated industry, Waste

Reducing waste crime and poorly operated waste management sites are high on our list of priorities at the Environment Agency.  In the March Budget, the government announced a welcome additional £4.2 million of funding from the community landfill tax scheme to support our …

Regulation – Looking after you and your environment

Dave Peers, Pollution Prevention and Control Officer

As a resident or operator of a regulated site, have you ever wondered why the Environment Agency (EA) regulates activities which could impact on your environment or the health of local residents? It may not sound very interesting, but I …

Creating a better place 2014 to 2016

Environment Agency Corporate Plan

We are launching our corporate plan ‘Creating a better place 2014 to 2016’ this week. The plan reflects the many changes and challenges we have faced since 2011 when we published our corporate plan for the period 2011 to 2015. …

A whiter smile, a greener environment: cleaning up with China clay

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Fisheries and biodiversity, Greener business, Regulated industry, Waste, Water

When travelling down on holiday to Cornwall many of my friends ask me "What are those white hills we can see near St Austell?" My reply often shocks them when I explain that that those 'hills' are in fact the …