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Posts about our work to improve the water environment

Water company employees: How to report serious wrongdoing to the Environment Agency

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Today, Tuesday 26th March, the Environment Agency (EA) has launched a new whistleblowing portal enabling water company staff to report environmental wrongdoing by their own organisations and industry.    Our message to water company workers is that if you suspect the …

Harnessing the hidden power of restored saltmarshes for carbon capture

The EA has done major work in restoring salt marshes

A recent collaboration involving the Environment Agency, the environmental consultancy Jacobs and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is shining a light on the role of restored saltmarshes in storing blue carbon – carbon captured by the oceans and coastal ecosystems. The …

Environment Officer Joseph Holder explains how weekly beach walkovers and inspections are helping to improve Weston-super-Mare’s bathing water quality

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EA are using drones in Weston-Super Mare

  The Environment Agency conducts weekly sampling during the bathing water season, which spans from May to September. Across the UK, there are 424 designated bathing water sites, 49 of these sit within Wessex. Each one of these sites is …

Bathing water classifications and short-term pollution

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4. Environment Agency staff member in the sea taking a sample of the water.

Our blog on 1 February explained how we approach monitoring, sampling and testing of bathing waters and our approach to keeping public informed and warned when there are short term risks of pollution which bathers would rightly want to be …

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science and the Environment Agency's Citizen Science Projects

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Climate change, Environment Agency, Other areas of our work, Sustainability, Water
Women and girls make a huge contribution to our Citizen Science Projects

Yesterday (Sunday 11 February) marked the ninth annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science – a UN designated celebration of the massive contribution women make to the fields of science and technology. Today, we look at a hugely important …