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New research project launched by the Environment Agency to monitor saltmarsh’s carbon capture and storage

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The Environment Agency (EA) is part of a new research project that will monitor saltmarshes across the UK.  Saltmarsh plays a significant role in mitigating climate change by absorbing and storing greenhouse gasses in their plants and sediments. As well …

Farming Rules for Water: The vital role of soil testing

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It's vital that farmers test their soil

Established by Defra in 2018, the Farming Rules for Water (FRfW) were introduced to reduce and prevent diffuse water pollution from agricultural sources. They are applicable to all farmers and land managers across England and work to safeguard water quality …

Working towards a cleaner Wharfe – a closer look at water quality testing at Ilkley’s bathing water

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The image shows a photograph of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, with a view to the suspension bridge across the river.

In December 2020, a stretch of the River Wharfe at Cromwheel, Ilkley, in Yorkshire was designated a bathing water by Defra,the first section of a river in the country to become a bathing water. Yorkshire’s Bathing Waters lead Claire Campbell …

The Environment Agency’s role in Biodiversity Net Gain

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The Environment Agency supports Biodiversity Net Gain

Did you know there are more than 242,000km of watercourses in England?   Our rivers, lakes, ponds, estuaries, and wetlands cut across and connect many landscapes, providing natural corridors for wildlife and supporting a wealth of biodiversity. However, our nation’s wildlife …

2023 Event Duration Monitoring Data Publication

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Today (Wednesday 27 March) we have published storm overflow (Event Duration Monitoring data) for the 2023 calendar year. Event Duration Monitors record the number and duration of spills from storm overflows. To view mapped data visit Storm Overflow Spill Frequency (  …

Water company employees: How to report serious wrongdoing to the Environment Agency

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Today, Tuesday 26th March, the Environment Agency (EA) has launched a new whistleblowing portal enabling water company staff to report environmental wrongdoing by their own organisations and industry.    Our message to water company workers is that if you suspect the …

Protecting our freshwater fish species – why the close season is so important

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Fishing enforcement is an important part of the Environment Agency's role

Between March and June every year, many coarse (freshwater) fish will be preparing to spawn (breed and lay eggs), spawning, or recovering from spawning. This can be both stressful and exhausting and if they are disturbed, they may well decide …

Environment Agency monitoring of the South West's largest abstractor

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A pontoon at Gothers Pit.

Mark Pilcher, Land and Water team leader in West Cornwall, talks about our demanding work to inspect one of the largest abstractors of water in the south-west.  The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible for regulating water in England - its …