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How the Environment Agency is conserving and enhancing biodiversity

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Environment Agency, Fisheries and biodiversity
The Environment agency is involved in restoring biodiversity to a number of different coastal and shoreline habitats

Hi, I am Tony Grayling and I’m one of the new Directors of Nature and Place, along with my colleague Jennie Donovan, at the Environment Agency. Today we are celebrating International Day of Biodiversity, and I wanted to share with …

What’s the foam you sometimes see along Britain’s coastlines?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Cleaner Seas, Cleaner Seas, Climate change, Environment Agency, Water
Coastal foam is often seen in warmer periods

Have you ever been at the coast and noticed a frothy foam at the water’s edge? From April to August, it’s fairly common to see these discoloured, sometimes creamy-looking and bad smelling foamy patches in the sea. You might think …

How the Environment Agency monitors and tests bathing water quality

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Many parts of the UK's coastline are used for bathing and leisure.

Today (15 May) marks the start of this year’s bathing water season. Between now and the end of September, millions of people will head to bathing waters to relax and swim.   Following Defra’s recent announcement of 27 new bathing waters, …

Working in partnership to enhance approaches to surface water risk management

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Environment Agency, Flood, Flood Maintenance, Flood Planning

In recent years, record rainfall events nationally and internationally have served to underline the threat of surface water flooding, particularly to our cities and urban areas, writes Caroline Douglass, Environment Agency Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management. Examples …

The EA-funded farm group bringing people together to improve sustainability

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The Environment Agency (EA) have funded a project to engage and work with farmers in the Upper Roding Catchment. We’ve worked in collaboration with the project lead, environmental charity Thames21, and the Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne (RBI) Catchment Partnership to …

Reducing methane emissions to help combat climate change

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The Environment Agency has set out in one place what it is doing to help reduce methane emissions in England, bringing together all their work in a new Methane Action Plan (2024-26). Mark Ellis-Jones, the national Climate Change and Energy …

Farming rules for water: The importance of Nutrient Management Planning in farming

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Following last week’s blog about soil testing, we’re now looking at another area where we often find issues during a farm inspection – nutrient management planning. Around 30% of farms we inspected last year weren’t able to provide evidence of …