We’re currently working with United Utilities to deliver West Cumbria’s demand for water in the best possible way, balancing the needs of people whilst protecting the sensitive natural environment. West Cumbria needs a new water supply fit for the twenty …
...to apply for an individual consent every time, cutting the paperwork for everyone. It’s extremely important that the current and future management of any fishery is checked before stocking to...
Warm weather can cause problems for fish because oxygen levels drop and river flows and levels reduce. Although this is normal in the summer months, it is sometimes necessary for us to go in and rescue the fish - a …
We’ve been working with the Environment Agency throughout my time at Essex Wildlife Trust (15 years and counting…) initially within the Essex Biodiversity Project but it’s in the last 3 or 4 years that we’ve really started collaborating on a range of …
As a Hydrometry & Telemetry Technical Specialist it’s my job to provide my colleagues and our partner organisations with technical information on surface water, rainfall and groundwater. For the past year or so I’ve been working on the Midlands Fish …
What I do and why I'm responsible for making improvements to our water environment in Essex. My focus is onpartnership working, making sure we put our resources (both time and money) into broader projects that get the most benefit to …