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Creating a better place

Income from fishing licences helps protect and improve England’s precious waterways

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Tom Sherwood, Senior Advisor in AFNE (Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment), answers the question: 'Where does my fishing licence money go?' One of the questions I am often asked by anglers is “where does my fishing licence money go?” …

Green finance - funding environmental projects now is essential to tackle climate change in future

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grassy bank in front of river

By Anna Bond, Green Finance Manager This weekend the UK and UN will host the Climate Ambition Summit to mark 5 years since the Paris Agreement by bringing countries together (virtually) to talk about the future action needed to tackle …

Why plastics used on farms is worth talking about

Since Blue Planet II there has been increasing awareness of the amount of plastic we use and it littering our land, rivers and seas but I doubt many people have thought about the plastics that are used on farms being illegally exported to countries all over the world! I certainly hadn’t until I joined the Environment Agency’s (EA) newly established Plastics and Sustainability team in 2018 inspiring positive behaviour change within the agricultural sector.