The evenings are getting lighter, and spring is very much upon us and this is the time of year that coarse fish up and down the country turn their attention to spawning. Adult fish will be spawning, or recovering from …
Since the River Derwent was dammed 300 years ago – at the start of the Industrial Revolution – its fish stocks dwindled. Devoid of fish since the mid-20th century, a project to open it back up to the likes of salmon began in 2013. Now, fish are flourishing along all 20 miles of the Derwent.
We needed to make sure that diverting water through the fish pass must not lower the flow through either the canoe slalom course at the adjoining Holme Pierrepont National Watersports Centre or the turbines of a local hydropower operation. We also needed to allow for maintenance access to the Holme Sluices.
Fisheries officer, Arnie Warsop, explains what saline incursion is and how the work of the Environment Agency protects up to half a million fish from these incursion events on the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads.
The prolonged dry weather is affecting many rivers and lakes across much of central, south-west, south-east and eastern England.
The Environment Agency’s National Fish Laboratory are undertaking investigations into the risk posed by Prussian Carp, which have been identified in a few of England’s fisheries
I am part of a team of Fishery Enforcement Officers that patrols the rivers, still waters and canals in the West Midlands ensuring anglers have a fishing licence and are complying with fishing regulations. I love what I do because …
The elver fishery is an area of fishery enforcement that not many anglers will ever see, as it happens on tidal waters at night during the months of February – May. Elvers are juvenile eels and they are currently on …
All invasive non-native species have the capacity to disrupt the natural balance enjoyed by the UK native biodiversity. These species can reproduce faster, tolerate a wider spectrum of habitats, predate more voraciously and can carry parasites and diseases that could …
Andy Taylor of the Head Office partnership team recalls the simultaneous feelings of excitement, fear and curiosity that first got him hooked on fishing. Experiences can shape lives – and even careers. For me it was a lucky sweep with …