Posts about our work to improve the water environment
This Christmas millions of people will be preparing a traditional roast dinner for the family. Much time and effort goes into preparing and cooking the roast dinner, but there’s not many of us who like to spend much time clearing …
Walking up and down beaches with sampling gear during a heatwave may not be everyone’s ideal job but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I am lucky that during the summer, my job consists of sampling the water quality …
Every year millions of us visit beaches and lakes across England. Over 400 of these are designated as bathing waters and it’s the Environment Agency’s job to test the water at each to see how clean it is and provide …
Summer lovin’ Warmer temperatures often conjures up thoughts of al fresco dining, lazy days spent lounging in your local park and weekend BBQs. What many of us fail to think about is the impact the warm, dry weather has on …
Today's blog looks at the current water situation in England
Our precious waterways are an important part of our nation’s rich heritage and beauty. They give enjoyment to countless people – not just to those who navigate them but also those who walk along them, sit by them, fish on …
30 years in the job and I’m still being approached by members of the public commenting on just how fabulous our beaches are. There’s not many people who can count themselves lucky enough to go to the beach every day …
As part of invasive species I wanted to uncover the coastline risk of invasive species and the work I do as part of my role to tackle this issue. I was very fortunate to grow up a 10 minute walk …
“Prepare. Act. Survive.” Those are the simple but stark words behind the campaign we’ve launched this week to help keep people safe from flooding. Over 5 million properties across the country are at risk of flooding – that’s more than …
Following the recent rain in the south east the soil is wetter, many reservoirs have risen and groundwater replenishment has started. This improvement is welcome because the autumn and the previous winter were dry in the south east of England. …