We've got to work together to have any chance of protecting our seas. Of course Southern Water has a massive part to play and we've invested millions of pounds to reduce our impact on bathing water quality. But …
Water is a precious resource - essential to everyone and everything. Our goal is a water environment that is cleaner, healthier and managed in a way that is more resilient to flood and drought. Water and sewerage companies play a …
There are over 400 bathing waters in England, and from 2016 water quality will be classified as either Excellent, Good, Sufficient or Poor, based upon regular samples and testing by the Environment Agency to check how clean the water is. …
...off from agriculture. Tees Rivers Trust helped in the farm campaign by funding the fencing off of watercourses, preventing access to livestock, which can negatively impact on bathing water quality....
I am a Project Officer for West Cumbria Rivers Trust and I've been working on the Ellenwise partnership project for nearly a year now. The project aims to reduce pollution (phosphorus and bacteria) going into streams in West Cumbria that lead …
I get a lot of people staring at me as I stride into the sea, wearing waders, to collect a sample of water. Some ask what I’m up to and I’m proud to say that I’m gathering samples to check …
A week in the life of a beach coordinator in Cumbria The seaside economy contributes more than £3.6 billion each year in England and it’s crucial we protect our bathing water quality. Bathing water quality in the UK reached a …
The Environment Agency is involved with the Turning Tides partnership, which brings together organisations, local councils and community groups to improve the quality of local bathing waters. Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Rich McIlwain, sets out how this partnership is …
Southend-on-Sea. The name says it all really. Tourists visiting the coast over the summer months to swim in the sea are vital for Southend’s economy and new European standards coming in this year mean that passing water quality tests will …
I have spent many days in all seasons and a variety of weather conditions in the Suffolk seaside town of Southwold. This year I will be spending time there with my granddaughter, who is currently 19 months old. Her love …